What Are “REIPs”: How Do They Differ From REITs?

For thousands of years, real estate investing has been reserved for the rich, and thanks to advances in finance and hedge funds, it’s only gotten easier for them as they can invest through Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). They were the only ones to have the capital and connections to break into this trillion-dollar asset […]

Short-Term Vs Long-Term Rental Investing

Many tend to assume that real estate investment is a long-term game – and yes, it is when it comes to your investment horizons. However, many investors today still believe that rental contracts must also be on a long-term basis i.e. bringing in tenants on a year or multi-year long lease and generate rental income […]

Crypto Vs. Real Estate: Which is a better investment?

Without any doubt, the real estate and crypto market has been on major spotlight in year 2021. With both markets heating up, a lot of skepticims and concerns rise along. It’s possible to become filthy rich investing in cryptocurrency yet lose everything instantly if you invest irrationally. On the other hand, for a long time, […]

Why Building Wealth is more Important than getting Rich?

building wealth - SmartCrowd

When thinking of making money, most people confuse the practice of building wealth with getting rich. The two terms are often incorrectly used interchangeably. Building wealth and getting rich may seem similar to you, but they are completely different in the approach. It’s important to understand the distinct differences between them for achieving the right […]

SmartCrowd Signs Partnership Deal To Crowdfund MAG Properties

MAG 5 Properties, SmartCrowd, Real Esatte Investment, Property Investment, Online Property Investment Platform

DFSA regulated platform SmartCrowd signs a partnership with MAG Properties. In the new partnership, the businesses also announced the launch of crowdfunding for Mag 5 in Dubai South on the SmartCrowd Property Investment platform, allowing affordable property investments for everyone.

To Mortgage Or Not To Mortgage?

When it comes to buying a home outright or financing it or even renting one, there is always an ongoing debate about which is the smartest financial choice. Many people resort to mortgaging for they believe it’s the most suitable option. Each would be valid depending on your business goals and personal needs. Are you […]